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Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood is the blood that remains in the vein of the umbilical cord and placenta at the time of birth. Cord blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to all the other blood cells. These cells are the foundation of our body's immune system. Cord blood stem cells are currently used to treat nearly 80 diseases and conditions, including leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, and inherited metabolic disorders. Over 60,000 allogeneic transplants worldwide have been performed using stem cells from umbilical cord blood. As stem cell technologies continue to advance, the opportunities to utilize preserved cord blood are steadily increasing.

Additionally, researchers are exploring how cord blood has the ability to cross the blood–brain barrier and reduce inflammation, which may be instrumental in treating conditions that have been untreatable up to this point. Stem cells from a newborn’s cord blood can be used not only to safeguard that specific child’s future but may also be used to treat their siblings, parents, and other close relatives. Cryo-Cell’s umbilical cord blood banking service processes and cryogenically preserves these cells for potential therapeutic use. 

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About Cryo-Cell 

Cryo-Cell International Inc., founded in 1989, is the world’s first private cord blood bank. Cryo-Cell is internationally recognized as the industry leader by its leading-edge processing technologies to capture the most viable cell types and adherence to the highest accreditation standards in cryopreservation procedures, resulting in the most optimal cord blood and tissue stem cell collections for our families. We offer private and public stem cell banking programs to provide expectant parents with the best options available in cryopreservation services. In addition, Cryo-Cell intends to open an infusion clinic(s) to administer cellular therapies under FDA-approved INDs to treat patients with cerebral palsy, autism, and traumatic brain injuries, through an exclusive license agreement with Duke University. Patients do not have to be customers of Cryo-Cell’s cord blood and cord tissue banking services to have access to treatment. 

We invite you to learn more about how Cryo-Cell stands apart from other cord blood banks. We know you will join the over 500,000 parents from 87 countries who have selected Cryo-Cell to safeguard their families' future health. We provide families with a variety of plans and services to help them protect what matters most.


With special discounts
and in-house financing,
we strive to keep cord
blood banking within
everyone's reach.


New Possibilities

Infusion clinic
expected to open
in 2025. Read
more about how this
can benefit your family.

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Treatments & Research

Umbilical cord stem cells
are being explored for
new medical treatments
for conditions such as
autism & CP.

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Join Our Cryo-Cell Family!

Cord blood banking is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we want to make sure this important decision is within reach.

  • We are dedicated to giving you superior quality at the best possible price with several storage plans, all with a risk-free enrollment process.
  • We offer finance and payment plans to fit every budget--with absolutely no hidden fees, making cord blood banking more affordable than you think. Ask about our best-price guarantee!

Get started

Now, more than ever,
is the perfect time to
protect what matters
most with cord blood
& tissue banking.

Get Started