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Why Bank?Once in a lifetime opportunity

Why Bank
  • Umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells that have been used to treat more than 80 diseases and conditions in over 60,000 transplants worldwide.
  • Cord blood stem cells are a perfect match for your baby and a close match for other family members(1).
  • There is no risk or pain for the mother or baby.

Get Your AnswersThe World’s Leading Cord Blood Bank

Get Your Answers
  • Gain in-depth understanding of the benefits of storing your baby’s cord blood.
  • Learn about current uses and the latest research.
  • Cryo-Cell’s mission is to provide our clients with the premier stem cell cryopreservation service.
  • Our expert Client Coordinators will assist you with making your decision.

Express EnrollBecome Part of the Cryo-Cell International Family

Express Enroll
  • Cryo-Cell International requires no fee at the time enrollment.
  • Best Price Guarantee.
  • Cryo-Cell International’s $100,000 stem cell engraftment guarantee is the highest available.
  • Financing plans available.

Customer Reviews

Baby Due Soon? If your due date is within 30 days of today, call us 24/7 at 1-800-STOR-CELL (1-800-786-7235) for immediate kit shipment. No additional fees apply to expedite your collection kit (same day service is available in certain areas).
1. While cord blood stored at birth is a 100% match for the child, for most diseases currently treated with cord blood, utilizing cells from a donor, whether related or unrelated, is required.